MTS ver. 2.0 - Multi-Text Search&browse © 2004-2021 Giuliano Artico

Multiple search of strings
with consultation of the selected files

Tuesday October 22, 2024

English version

Vai alla versione italiana



The MTS utility, whose name is inspired by TS (Text Search, an important component of the legendary Norton Utilities of the 90s), locates the files that contain one or more given strings. You can search for numerous strings and select files that contain at least one occurrence of each string, obtaining an accurate and fast tally of the occurrences found. You may either browse selected files by means of a rudimentary file viewer built in the program or open them with an external editor, going to the position where the various strings are located. It is also possible to carry out a global treatment of the selected files, for example you can collect them into a packed archive.

Searching is performed within files matching a given file specification, which can include Windows wildcard characters. The scan can be done interactively, but the program is ideal for use with batch procedures thanks to the available options (get the option list by typing mts /? or run the help.bat batch file included in the distribution archive). The options allow, for example, to restrict the files to which the scan must be applied (lower and upper limitation of the size, maximum level of the subdirectory to which it belongs, exclusion or not of binary and hidden files, exclusion or forced inclusion of files with particular extensions).

Redirection of input/output is supported (when applicable). Selected parameters are maintained across sessions by saving information into an initialization file. A detailed account of the scan is logged into a file on disk.

For further information consult the program guide.


MTS works in console mode under any version of Windows XP/Win7/Win10, 32 and 64 bit.

Download the ZIP archive, unpack it and copy the executable file mts.exe to a folder of your choice: this folder must not be contained in reserved folders (Windows, programs, documents) and must be enabled for writing so that the program can store the support files and the final report. It is also advisable to include the directory in the system path: in this way the mts.exe executable can be located at startup whatever the location from which it is invoked.

The program consists solely of the mts.exe executable. The other files contained in the distribution are documentation or sample files and are not required for operation.

Program download

The latest official version of MTS is 2.0.

Before downloading MTS, please read the license.

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Those who do not accept the license cannot download or use the program.
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Contact the author via e-mail.

Old version of MTS, for MS-DOS and 32-bit Windows.

CTT, utility in windows to compare files or groups of files.

ARTI 2000 package, contains other programs by the author (most in Italian).

Author's home page (in Italian).

Curriculum vitae of the author.

Back to summary.

Updated 2024-3-13
Copyright © 2004-2024 Giuliano Artico