IND - Multi-Archive Browsing System

Copyright 1999 Giuliano Artico
Dipartimento di Matematica

Address: Via Trieste 63, I-35121 PADOVA
Phone: (++39) 049 827 14 09
E-mail: contact the author
The main purpose of the software IND is facilitating the browsing of text files contained in packed archives. The best performance is obtained with archives containing a large number of small files or with archives including other nested archives. For instance, the program IND allows to examine the contents of the packed archives enclosed in a CD-ROM. It allows to bypass the tedious operations of unpacking the archive and of cleaning the disk at the end of the inspection.

The program IND performs unpacking automatically and assembles the text files into a single structured text file equipped with a special index which grants the choice of contents in an easy and comfortable way. By using the program IND, you may save time because: